Web services

Build an HTTP API for your site.

Elgg provides a powerful framework for building web services. This allows developers to expose functionality to other web sites and desktop applications along with doing integrations with third-party web applications. While we call the API RESTful, it is actually a REST/RPC hybrid similar to the APIs provided by sites like Flickr and Twitter.

To create an API for your Elgg site, you need to do 4 things:

  • enable the web services plugin

  • expose methods

  • setup API authentication

  • setup user authentication

Additionally, you may want to control what types of authentication are available on your site. This will also be covered.


It is crucial that the web services are consumed via secure protocols. Do not enable web services if your site is not served via HTTPs. This is especially important if you allow API key only authentication.

If you are using third-party tools that expose API methods, make sure to carry out a thorough security audit. You may want to make sure that API authentication is required for ALL methods, even if they require user authentication. Methods that do not require API authentication can be easily abused to spam your site.

Ensure that the validity of API keys is limited and provide mechanisms for your API clients to renew their keys.

Exposing methods

API methods can be exposed in one of two ways: - using the web_services section in the elgg-plugin.php file of your plugin - during the 'register', 'api_methods' event

As an example, let’s assume you want to expose a function that echos text back to the calling application. The function could look like this

function my_echo($string) {
    return $string;

Since we are providing this function to allow developers to test their API clients, we will require neither API authentication nor user authentication. This call registers the function with the web services API framework:

// as part of the elgg-plugin.php
'web_services' => [
    'test.echo' => [
        'GET' => [ // the HTTP call method (GET|POST)
            'callback' => 'my_echo', // required
            'description' => 'A testing method which echos back a string', // optional, the description of the API method
            'params' => [ // optional, input parameters for the API method
                'string' => ['type' => 'string'],
            'require_api_auth' => false, // optional, requires API authentication (default: false)
            'require_user_auth' => false, // optional, requires User authentication (default: false)
            'associative' => false, // optional, provide the input params as an array to the callback function (default: false)

// as part of the 'register', 'api_methods' event
function my_plugin_event_handler(\Elgg\Event $event) {
    $results = $event->getValue();

    $results['test.echo']['GET'] = [
        'callback' => 'my_echo',
        'description' => 'A testing method which echos back a string',
        'params' => [
            'string' => ['type' => 'string'],

    return $results;


If no description is provided in the API method definition the system will check for the existence of the language key web_services:api_methods:<method>:<http call method>:description

If you add this code to a plugin and then go to http://yoursite.com/services/api/rest/json/?method=system.api.list, you should now see your test.echo method listed as an API call. Further, to test the exposed method from a web browser, you could hit the url: http://yoursite.com/services/api/rest/json/?method=test.echo&string=testing and you should see JSON data like this:


Plugins can filter the output of individual API methods by registering a handler for 'rest:output',$method event.

Response formats

JSON is the default format, however XML and serialized PHP can be fetched by enabling the data_views plugin and substituting xml or php in place of json in the above URLs.

You can also add additional response formats by defining new view types.


Parameters expected by each method should be listed as an associative array, where the key represents the parameter name, and the value contains an array with type, default and required fields.

Values submitted with the API request for each parameter should match the declared type. API will throw on exception if validation fails.

Recognized parameter types are:

  • integer (or int)

  • boolean (or bool) 'false', 0 and '0' will evaluate to false the rest will evaluate to true

  • string

  • float

  • array

Unrecognized types will throw an API exception.

You can use additional fields to describe your parameter, e.g. description.

// as part of the elgg-plugin.php
'web_services' => [
    'test.greet' => [
        'GET' => [
            'callback' => 'my_greeting',
            'description' => 'A testing method which greets the user with a custom greeting',
            'params' => [
                'name' => [
                    'type' => 'string',
                    'required' => true,
                    'description' => 'Name of the person to be greeted by the API',
                'greeting' => [
                    'type' => 'string',
                    'required' => false,
                    'default' => 'Hello',
                    'description' => 'Greeting to be used, e.g. "Good day" or "Hi"',


If a missing parameter has no default value, the argument will be null. Before Elgg v2.1, a bug caused later arguments to be shifted left in this case.

Receive parameters as associative array

If you have a large number of method parameters, you can force the execution script to invoke the callback function with a single argument that contains an associative array of parameter => input pairs (instead of each parameter being a separate argument). To do that, set $assoc to true in elgg_ws_expose_function().

    function greet_me($values) {
            $name = elgg_extract('name', $values);
            $greeting = elgg_extract('greeting', $values, 'Hello');
            return "$greeting, $name";

// as part of the elgg-plugin.php
'web_services' => [
    'test.greet' => [
        'GET' => [
            'callback' => 'greet_me',
            'description' => 'A testing method which echos a greeting',
            'params' => [
                'name' => [
                    'type' => 'string',
                'greeting' => [
                    'type' => 'string',
                    'required' => false,
                    'default' => 'Hello',
            'associative' => true,


If a missing parameter has no default value, null will be used.

API authentication

You may want to control access to some of the functions that you expose. Perhaps you are exposing functions in order to integrate Elgg with another open source platform on the same server. In that case, you only want to allow that other application access to these methods. Another possibility is that you want to limit what external developers have access to your API. Or maybe you want to limit how many calls a developer can make against your API in a single day.

In all of these cases, you can use Elgg’s API authentication functions to control access. Elgg provides two built-in methods to perform API authentication: key based and HMAC signature based. You can also add your own authentication methods. The key based approach is very similar to what Google, Flickr, or Twitter. Developers can request a key (a random string) and pass that key with all calls that require API authentication. The keys are stored in the database and if an API call is made without a key or a bad key, the call is denied and an error message is returned.

Key-based authentication

As an example, let’s write a function that returns the number of users that have registered on your site since a certain timestamp.

function count_new_users(int $since) {
    return elgg_count_entities([
        'type' => 'user',
        'created_since' => $since,

Now, let’s expose it and make the number of minutes a required parameter:

    // as part of the elgg-plugin.php
'web_services' => [
    'users.new' => [
        'GET' => [
            'callback' => 'count_new_users',
            'description' => 'Number of users who have used the site in the past x minutes',
            'params' => [
               'since' => [
                    'type' => 'int',
                    'required' => true,
            'require_api_auth' => true,

This function is now available and if you check system.api.list, you will see that it requires API authentication. If you hit the method with a web browser, it will return an error message about failing the API authentication. To test this method, you need an API key. As of Elgg 3.2 API keys can be generated by the webservices plugin. It will return a public and private key and you will use the public key for this kind of API authentication. Grab a key and then do a GET request with your browser on this API method passing in the key string as the parameter api_key. It might look something like this: http://yoursite.com/services/api/rest/xml/?method=users.active&api_key=1140321cb56c71710c38feefdf72bc462938f59f.

Signature-based authentication

The HMAC Authentication is similar to what is used with OAuth or Amazon’s S3 service. This involves both the public and private key. If you want to be very sure that the API calls are coming from the developer you think they are coming from and you want to make sure the data is not being tampered with during transmission, you would use this authentication method. Be aware that it is much more involved and could turn off developers when there are other sites out there with key-based authentication.

User authentication

So far you have been allowing developers to pull data out of your Elgg site. Now we’ll move on to pushing data into Elgg. In this case, it is going to be done by a user. Maybe you have created a desktop application that allows your Users to post to the wire without going to the site. You need to expose a method for posting to the wire and you need to make sure that a user cannot post using someone else’s account. Elgg provides a token-based approach for user authentication. It allows a user to submit their username and password in exchange for a token using the method auth.gettoken. This token can then be used for some amount of time to authenticate all calls to the API before it expires by passing it as the parameter auth_token. If you do not want to have your users trusting their passwords to 3rd-party applications, you can also extend the current capability to use an approach like OAuth.

Let’s write our wire posting function:

function my_post_to_wire($text) {

    $text = elgg_substr($text, 0, 140);

    $access = ACCESS_PUBLIC;

    // returns guid of wire post
    return thewire_save_post($text, $access, "api");

Exposing this function is the same as the previous except we require user authentication and we’re going to make this use POST rather than GET HTTP requests.

    // as part of the elgg-plugin.php
'web_services' => [
    'thewire.post' => [
        'POST' => [
            'callback' => 'my_post_to_wire',
            'description' => 'Post to the wire. 140 characters or less',
            'params' => [
               'text' => [
                    'type' => 'string',
            'require_api_auth' => true,
            'require_user_auth' => true,

Please note that you will not be able to test this using a web browser as you did with the other methods. You need to write some client code to do this.

Building out your API

As soon as you feel comfortable with Elgg’s web services API framework, you will want to step back and design your API. What sort of data are you trying to expose? Who or what will be API users? How do you want them to get access to authentication keys? How are you going to document your API? Be sure to take a look at the APIs created by popular Web 2.0 sites for inspiration. If you are looking for 3rd party developers to build applications using your API, you will probably want to provide one or more language-specific clients.

Determining the authentication available

Elgg’s web services API uses a type of pluggable authentication module (PAM) architecture to manage how users and developers are authenticated. This provides you the flexibility to add and remove authentication modules. Do you want to not use the default user authentication PAM but would prefer using OAuth? You can do this.

The first step is registering a callback function for the 'rest', 'init' event:

elgg_register_event_handler('rest', 'init', 'rest_plugin_setup_pams');

Then in the callback function, you register the PAMs that you want to use:

function rest_plugin_setup_pams() {
    // user token can also be used for user authentication

    // simple API key check
    elgg_register_pam_handler(\Elgg\WebServices\PAM\APIKey::class, 'sufficient', 'api');