Elgg’s approach to the various security issues common to all web applications.
To report a potential vulnerability in Elgg, email
Password validation¶
The only restriction that Elgg places on a password is that it must be at least 6 characters long by default, though this may be changed
in /elgg-config/settings.php
Additional criteria can be added by a plugin by registering for the registeruser:validate:password
plugin hook.
Password hashing¶
Passwords are never stored in plain text, only salted hashes produced with bcrypt. This is done via the standard password_hash()
On older systems, the password-compat
polyfill is used, but the algorithm is identical.
Elgg installations created before version 1.10 may have residual “legacy” password hashes created using salted MD5. These are migrated to bcrypt as users log in, and will be completely removed when a system is upgraded to Elgg 3.0. In the meantime we’re happy to assist site owners to manually remove these legacy hashes, though it would force those users to reset their passwords.
Password throttling¶
Elgg has a password throttling mechanism to make dictionary attacks from the outside very difficult. A user is only allowed 5 login attempts over a 5 minute period.
Password resetting¶
If a user forgets his password, a new random password can be requested. After the request, an email is sent with a unique URL. When the user visits that URL, a new random password is sent to the user through email.
Elgg uses PHP’s session handling with custom handlers. Session data is stored in the database. The session cookie contains the session id that links the user to the browser. The user’s metadata is stored in the session including GUID, username, email address.
The session’s lifetime is controlled through the server’s PHP configuration and additionally through options in the /elgg-config/settings.php
Session fixation¶
Elgg protects against session fixation by regenerating the session id when a user logs in.
“Remember me” cookie¶
To allow users to stay logged in for a longer period of time regardless of whether the browser has been closed, Elgg uses a cookie
(default called elggperm
) that contains what could be considered a super session identifier. This identifier is stored in a cookies table.
When a session is being initiated, Elgg checks for the presence of the elggperm
cookie. If it exists and the session code in the cookie matches
the code in the cookies table, the corresponding user is automatically logged in.
When a user changes their password all existing permanent cookie codes are removed from the database.
The lifetime of the persistent cookie can be controlled in the /elgg-config/settings.php file. The default lifetime is 30 days. The database records for the persistent cookies will be removed after the lifetime expired.
Alternative authentication¶
This section is very hand-wavy
To replace Elgg’s default user authentication system, a plugin could replace the default login
action with its own.
Better would be to register a PAM handler using register_pam_handler()
which handles the authentication of the user based on the new requirements.
You must enable SSL support on your server for any of these techniques to work.
You can serve your whole site over SSL by changing the site URL to include “https” instead of just “http”.
Filtering is used in Elgg to make XSS attacks more difficult. The purpose of the filtering is to remove Javascript and other dangerous input from users.
Filtering is performed through the function filter_tags()
. This function takes in a string and returns a filtered string. It triggers
a validate, input
plugin hook.
By default Elgg comes with the htmLawed filtering code. Developers can drop in any additional or replacement filtering code as a plugin.
The filter_tags()
function is called on any user input as long as the input is obtained through a call to get_input()
. If for some reason
a developer did not want to perform the default filtering on some user input, the get_input()
function has a parameter for turning off filtering.
Elgg generates security tokens to prevent cross-site request forgery. These are embedded in all forms and state-modifying AJAX requests as long as the correct API is used. Read more in the Forms + Actions developer guide.
Signed URLs¶
It’s possible to protect URLs with a unique signature. Read more in the Forms + Actions developer guide.
SQL Injection¶
Elgg’s API sanitizes all input before issuing DB queries. Read more in the Database design doc.