Installing Elgg on Cloud9 IDE

1. Create a c9 workspace

  • Go to
  • Login with GitHub
  • On the Dashboard, click “Create new workspace” => “Create a new workspace”
  • Choose a project name (e.g. “elgg”)
  • Choose “PHP” for project type
  • Click “Create”
  • Wait… (~1 min for c9 workspace to be ready)
  • Click “Start editing” for the workspace

2. Set up the workspace for Elgg

Run the following in cloud9’s terminal:

rm -rf * # Clear out the c9 hello-world stuff
composer create-project elgg/elgg:~1.11 . # the hotness
cp install/config/htaccess.dist .htaccess
cp elgg-config/settings.example.php elgg-config/settings.php
mysql-ctl start # start c9's local mysql server
mkdir ../elgg-data # setup data dir for Elgg

Configure settings.php to be like so:

// Must set timezone explicitly!

$CONFIG->dbuser = getenv('C9_USER');
$CONFIG->dbpass = '';
$CONFIG->dbname = 'c9';
$CONFIG->dbhost = getenv('IP');
$CONFIG->dbprefix = 'elgg_';

3. Complete the install process from Elgg’s UI

  • Hit “Run” at the top of the page to start Apache.
  • Go to https://{workspace}-{username}
  • Change Site URL to
  • Put in the data directory path. Should be something like /var/..../app-root/data/elgg-data/.
  • Click “Next”
  • Create the admin account
  • Click “Go to site”
  • You may have to manually visit https://{workspace}-{username} and login with the admin credentials you just configured.