Installing Elgg on Homestead

Homestead is an excellent Vagrant box tailored for PHP development made by the developers of Laravel. It allows you to set up an Ubuntu virtual machine in a matter of minutes, saving time installing and configuring an Apache server and all the other tools necessary for local development and testing.

1. Install Homestead

Install one of the preferred virtual machine providers, Vagrant and Homestead following the instructions at

If you have the virtual machine and Vagrant installed, you can use the following commands

vagrant box add laravel/homestead

# navigate to the directory that will hold your Homestead installation, e.g. your home directory
cd ~
git clone Homestead
cd Homestead
# checkout the latest stable release
git checkout <tagged release version>


On Windows, make sure to run your command line tool as an Administrator.

2. Configure Homestead

Edit Homestead.yaml to include the details of your new Elgg project(s). In the following example, we will set up two Elgg apps - one from git source and one using the starter project. Note that when configuring sites, you can use the “elgg” site type, which will automatically bootstrap nginx vhosts, using the shell config script

ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1
provider: virtualbox

authorize: ~/.ssh/

    - ~/.ssh/id_rsa

    - map: ~/apps/elgg-starter
      to: /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-starter
      type: "nfs"

    - map: ~/apps/elgg-git
      to: /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-git
      type: "nfs"

    - map:
      to: /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-starter/public
      type: elgg

    - map:
      to: /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-git/public
      type: elgg

    - elgg-sandbox
    - elgg-git

NFS is not supported on Windows, but you can try WinNFSd plugin

3. Update hosts

Update your hosts file to point domains configured in Homestead to the Vagrant box IP address. This will allow yout to access your sites by domain name from the browser

4.a Install Elgg using starter-project

# create the directory to hold the project on your local machine
cd ~/apps
mkdir elgg-starter

# head to your Homestead installation directory
cd ~/Homestead

# launch the Vagrant box
# this will automatically create all the project directories,
# setup vhosts and create the databases
vagrant up

# SSH into your Vagrant box
vagrant ssh

# you can use the cli tool to also install Elgg without leaving the console
# you can skip this if you want to install Elgg in your browser
composer global require hypejunction/elgg-cli

# new project folder should have automatically created during vagrant up
# this directory should be in full sync with your local machine
cd /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-starter

# create the data directory that will hold Elgg's cache and uploaded files
# when prompted for dataroot during installation, you should set it to /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-starter/data/
mkdir data

# create a new project from Elgg's starter project
# watch out for messages, you may need to add your github token here
# when prompted for installation root during installation, you should set it to /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-starter/public/
composer create project elgg/starter-project:dev-master public

# install composer dependencies
cd public

# run composer install twice! don't ask why
composer install
composer install

# now if you head to your browser at you should should be able to install Elgg
# using the installation interface
# alternatively, use the cli tool we have required previously, and follow the prompts
# note that the default "root" user password for most services on the Homestead box is "secret",
# DB name is "elgg-starter" as seen in Homestead config
elgg-cli install

# run some tests

# if you are planning to use this project for development, you can commit it to git
git init
git add .
git commit -a -m 'Base starter project'
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

composer require elgg/mentions

git add .
git commit -a -m 'Added mentions plugin'
git push origin master

# you can then open the project on your local machine, make changes using an editor, and commit via this console
# this saves you the trouble of installing composer, git et al locally

# to end the ssh session with the box

# after finishing work with the box, you can choose to suspend, halt or destroy it
# destroying the box will wipe the databases, so if you plan to continue using the
# installation, you may want to just halt the box

4.b Install Elgg from source

Now we can install our second git project, which we can use to contribute code back to core.

# create the directory to hold the project on your local machine
cd ~/apps
mkdir elgg-git

# head to your Homestead installation directory
cd ~/Homestead

# we already a vagrant box running, so we need to provision it for the changes to take effect
# in this particular case, we have added a local directory, which will need to be mounted and
# mapped to the directory on the box
vagrant reload --provision

# SSH into your Vagrant box
vagrant ssh

cd /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-git

# create the data directory that will hold Elgg's cache and uploaded files
# when prompted for dataroot during installation, you should set it to /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-git/data
mkdir data

# when prompted for installation root during installation, you should set it to /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-git/public
# fork Elgg/Elgg on github and clone your fork
git clone public

# install composer dependencies
cd public
composer install

# now if you head to your browser at you should should be able to install Elgg
# using the installation interface
# alternatively, use the cli tool we have required previously, and follow the prompts
# note that the default root password for most services on the Homestead box is "secret"
elgg-cli install

# add upstream to original Elgg repository, so we can later make pull requests
git remote add upstream

# create a new branch
git branch my-fix

# add your fixes using an editor on the local machine
# test your changes by visiting
# run automated tests
# commit and push your changes
git add .
git commit -a -m 'fix(component): describe the fix'

git push origin my-fix

# rebase against upstream if your branch has diverged or you need to squash/edit commits
git fetch upstream
git rebase -i upstream/master
git push --force origin my-fix


5. Other

cd ~/Homestead
vagrant ssh

# setup cache symlink for improved performance
cd /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-starter/public
ln -l /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-starter/data/views_simplecache/ cache

# you should see the symlink if you do
ls -l

# setup cron jobs
crontab -e
# add the following lines and save
# * * * * * /usr/bin/wget -q --spider
# verify that that crontab is set / you can also check Admin > Statistics > Cron to see if the cron is running
crontab -l

# start memcached
memcached -d start

# backup the database
cd /home/vagrant/Code/elgg-starter/
mkdir backups
mysqldump -u root -psecret elgg-starter > backups/elgg-starter.sql

# restore the database
mysql -u root -psecret elgg-starter < backups/elgg-starter.sql