If you setup cron correctly as described in Cron special events will be triggered so you can register for these events from your own code.
The example below registers a function for the daily cron.
function my_plugin_init() {
elgg_register_event_handler('cron', 'daily', 'my_plugin_cron_handler');
If timing is important in your cron event be advised that the functions are executed in order of registration. This could mean that your function may start (a lot) later then you may have expected. However the parameters provided in the event contain the original starting time of the cron, so you can always use that information.
function my_plugin_cron_handler(\Elgg\Event $event) {
$start_time = $event->getParam('time');
Custom intervals
Plugin developers can configure there own custom intervals.
It’s NOT recommended to do this, as the users of your plugin may also need to configure your custom interval.
Try to work with the default intervals. If you only need to do a certain task at for example 16:30 you can use the halfhour
interval and check that date('G', $start_time) == 16
and date('i', $start_time) == 30
elgg_register_event_handler('cron:intervals', 'system', 'my_custom_cron_interval');
function my_custom_cron_interval(\Elgg\Event $event) {
$cron_intervals = $event->getValue();
// add custom interval
$cron_intervals['my_custom_interval'] = '30 16 * * *'; // every day at 16:30 hours
return $cron_intervals;
See also
Events has more information about events
For more information about the supported cron interval definition see the PHP Scheduler documentation