
Haz posible traducir la interfaz de tu sitio a cualquier idioma.

Si quiere colaborar en la traducción de Elgg a algún idioma, échele un ojo a la guía para colaboradores.

The default language is en for English. Currently Elgg will always fall back to an English translation, even if the site’s language is not English; this is a known bug.


Las traducciones se almacenan en ficheros PHP dentro de la carpeta /languages del complemento. Cada fichero corresponde a un idioma. El formato es /languages/<código del idioma>.php donde <código del idioma> es el código ISO 639-1 del idioma. Por ejemplo:

<?php // mod/example/languages/en.php

return [
        'example:text' => 'Some example text',

To override an existing translation, include it in your plugin’s language file, and make sure your plugin is ordered later on the Admin > Plugins page:

<?php // mod/better_example/languages/en.php

return [
        'example:text' => 'Some better text!',


Unless you are overriding core’s or another plugin’s language strings, it is good practice for the language keys to start with your plugin name. For example: yourplugin:success, yourplugin:title, etc. This helps avoid conflicts with other language keys.

API del lado del servidor

elgg_echo($clave, $argumentos, $idioma)

Imprimir la traducción de la clave al idioma actual.


echo elgg_echo('example:text');

También permite la substitución de variables mediante la sintaxis de sprintf:

// 'welcome' => 'Welcome to %s, %s!'
echo elgg_echo('welcome', [

Para especificar un idioma concreto al que traducir el texto indicado, use el tercer parámetro:

echo elgg_echo('welcome', [], $user->language);

To first test whether elgg_echo() can find a translation:

$key = 'key:that:might:not:exist';
if (!elgg_language_key_exists($key)) {
        $key = 'fallback:key';

echo elgg_echo($key);


Some APIs allow creating translations for new keys. Translators should always include an English translation as a fallback. This makes elgg_language_key_exists($key) a reliable way to predict whether elgg_echo($key) will succeed.

API de JavaScript

elgg.echo(key, args)

This function is like elgg_echo in PHP.

Client-side translations are loaded asynchronously. Ensure translations are available by requiring the «elgg» AMD module:

define(function(require) {
        var elgg = require("elgg");


Translations are also available after the init, system JavaScript event.