Plugin Dependencies

In Elgg the plugin dependencies system is there to prevent plugins from being used on incompatible systems.


The dependencies system is controlled through a plugin’s elgg-plugin.php file or composer.json. Plugin authors can specify that a plugin:

  • Requires certain Elgg plugins, PHP version or PHP extensions.

  • Conflicts with certain Elgg versions or plugins.

PHP version or extension

Add a section in your composer.json as described in de Composer JSON reference

        "require": {
                "php": ">8.1",
                "ext-json": "*"

Require an Elgg plugin

Add a section to the elgg-plugin.php, also see Plugins

return [
        'plugin' => [
                'dependencies' => [
                        // optional list op plugin dependencies
                        'blog' => [], // blog needs to be active
                        'activity' => [
                                'position' => 'after', // in the plugin order this plugin must be after the activity plugin
                                'must_be_active' => false, // but the plugin isn't required to be active, but if active order will be checked
                        'file' => [
                                'position' => 'before', // file must be active and this plugin needs to be before the file plugin in the plugin order
                                'version' => '>2', // composer notation of required version constraint


Add a section in your composer.json as described in de Composer JSON reference

        "conflict": {
                "elgg/elgg": "<4.0",
                "elgg/dataviews": "<1.0 || >= 1.5"