
With this plugin enabled the longtext input fields will get a WYSIWYG editor which allows for some additional markup options for your text.

Depending on the configuration the editor can be enriched with various text style markup options. Have a look at the CKEditor website for a full featured editor.


Elgg also supports uploading images in the editor. You can upload images using a file dialog or just drag/drop or copy/paste the image into the editor.


With the CKEditor plugin you also enable mention capabilities. By default you can mention:

  • Users: use @ to start autocompleting users

  • Groups: use ! to start autocompleting groups

  • Searchable content: use [ to start autocompleting content

When you select something from the autocomplete list a link to the selected user/group/content will be added to the content. Based on the mentioned users preference they will also be notified they have been mentioned.

Toolbar configuration

This plugin provides a standard toolbar configuration for the default and simple editor. The plugin settings allow you to configure a custom toolbar config. Almost all CKEditor plugins are available for use. Information on how to configure a toolbar can be found here: