Entity search
Elgg core provides flexible elgg_search()
, which prepares custom search clauses and utilizes elgg_get_entities()
to fetch the results.
In addition to all parameters accepted by elgg_get_entities()
, elgg_search()
accepts the following:
Search query
An array of names by property type to search in (see example below)
An array containing sorting options, including property, property_type and direction
Entity type to search
Optional entity subtype to search
Custom search type (required if notype
is provided)
Allow partial matchesBy default partial matches are allowed, meaning that
will be matched when searching forel
Exact matches may be helpful when you want to match tag values, e.g. when you want to find all objects that arered
and notdarkred
Break down search query into tokensBy default search queries are tokenized, meaning that we will match
elgg has been released
when searching forelgg released
// List all users who list United States as their address or mention it in their description
$options = [
'type' => 'user',
'query' => 'us',
'fields' => [
'metadata' => ['description'],
'annotations' => ['location'],
'sort_by' => [
'property' => 'zipcode',
'property_type' => 'annotation',
'direction' => 'asc',
echo elgg_list_entities($options, 'elgg_search');
Search fields
You can customize search fields for each entity type/subtype, using search:fields
// Let's remove search in location and add address field instead
elgg_register_event_handler('search:fields', 'user', 'my_plugin_search_user_fields');
function my_plugin_search_user_fields(\Elgg\Event $event) {
$fields = $event->getValue();
$location_key = array_search('location', $fields['annotations']);
if ($location_key) {
$fields['metadata'][] = 'address';
return $fields;
Searchable types
To register an entity type for search, use elgg_entity_enable_capability($type, $subtype, 'searchable')
, or do so when defining an entity type in elgg-plugin.php
The search plugin uses the entity capability searchable. This capability defines if an entity is searchable.
To combine search results or filter how search results are presented in the search plugin, use 'search:config', 'type_subtype_pairs'
// Let's add places and place reviews as public facing entities
elgg_entity_enable_capability('object', 'place', 'searchable');
elgg_entity_enable_capability('object', 'place_review', 'searchable');
// Now let's include place reviews in the search results for places
elgg_register_event_handler('search:options', 'object:place', 'my_plugin_place_search_options');
elgg_register_event_handler('search:config', 'type_subtype_pairs', 'my_plugin_place_search_config');
// Add place review to search options as a subtype
function my_plugin_place_search_options(\Elgg\Event $event) {
$params = $event->getParams();
if (isset($params['subtypes'])) {
$subtypes = (array) $params['subtypes'];
} else {
$subtypes = (array) elgg_extract('subtype', $params);
if (!in_array('place', $subtypes)) {
$subtypes[] = 'place_review';
$params['subtypes'] = $subtypes;
return $params;
// Remove place reviews as a separate entry in search sections
function my_plugin_place_search_config(\Elgg\Event $event) {
$types = $event->getValue();
if (empty($types['object'])) {
foreach ($types['object'] as $key => $subtype) {
if ($subtype == 'place_review') {
return $types;
Custom search types
Elgg core only supports entity search. You can implement custom searches, e.g. using search query as a location and listing entities by proximity to that location.
// Let's added proximity search type
elgg_register_event_handler('search:config', 'search_types', function (\Elgg\Event $event) {
$search_types = $event->getValue();
$search_types[] = 'promimity';
return $search_types;
// Let's add search options that will look for entities that have geo coordinates and order them by proximity to the query location
elgg_register_event_handler('search:options', 'proximity', function (\Elgg\Event $event) {
$query = $event->getParam('query');
$options = $event->getValue();
// Let's presume we have a geocoding API
$coords = geocode($query);
// We are not using standard 'selects' options here, because counting queries do not use custom selects
$options['wheres']['proximity'] = function (QueryBuilder $qb, $alias) use ($lat, $long) {
$dblat = $qb->joinMetadataTable($alias, 'guid', 'geo:lat');
$dblong = $qb->joinMetadataTable($alias, 'guid', 'geo:long');
*sin(($dblat.value*pi()/180)) + cos(($lat*pi()/180))
AS proximity");
$qb->orderBy('proximity', 'asc');
return $qb->merge([
$qb->compare("$dblat.value", 'is not null'),
$qb->compare("$dblong.value", 'is not null'),
return $options;
Autocomplete and livesearch endpoint
Core provides a JSON endpoint for searching users and groups. These endpoints are used by input/autocomplete
and input/entitypicker
// Get JSON results of a group search for 'class'
$json = file_get_contents('');
You can add custom search types, by adding a corresponding resource view:
// Let's add an endpoint that will search for users that are not members of a group
// and render a userpicker for our invite form
echo elgg_view('input/userpicker', [
'handler' => 'livesearch/non_members',
'options' => [
// this will be sent as URL query elements
'group_guid' => $group_guid,
// To enable /livesearch/non_members endpoint, we need to add a view
// in /views/json/resources/livesearch/non_members.php
$limit = get_input('limit', elgg_get_config('default_limit'));
$query = get_input('term', get_input('q'));
$input_name = get_input('name');
// We have passed this value to our input view, and we want to make sure
// external scripts are not using it to mine data on group members
// so let's validate the HMAC that was generated by the userpicker input
$group_guid = (int) get_input('group_guid');
$data = [
'group_guid' => $group_guid,
// let's sort by key, in case we have more elements
$hmac = elgg_build_hmac($data);
if (!$hmac->matchesToken(get_input('mac'))) {
// request does not originate from our input view
throw new \Elgg\Exceptions\Http\EntityPermissionsException();
elgg_set_http_header("Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8");
$options = [
'query' => $query,
'type' => 'user',
'limit' => $limit,
'sort' => 'name',
'order' => 'ASC',
'fields' => [
'metadata' => ['name', 'username'],
'item_view' => 'search/entity',
'input_name' => $input_name,
'wheres' => function (QueryBuilder $qb) use ($group_guid) {
$subquery = $qb->subquery('entity_relationships', 'er');
->where($qb->compare('er.guid_one', '=', 'e.guid'))
->andWhere($qb->compare('er.relationship', '=', 'member', ELGG_VALUE_STRING))
->andWhere($qb->compare('er.guid_two', '=', $group_guid, ELGG_VALUE_INTEGER));
return "NOT EXISTS ({$subquery->getSQL()})";
echo elgg_list_entities($options, 'elgg_search');