
If you setup cron correctly as described in Cron special hooks will be triggered so you can register for these hooks from your own code.

The example below registers a function for the daily cron.

function my_plugin_init() {
    elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('cron', 'daily', 'my_plugin_cron_handler');

If timing is important in your cron hook be advised that the functions are executed in order of registration. This could mean that your function may start (a lot) later then you may have expected. However the parameters provided in the hook contain the original starting time of the cron, so you can always use that information.

function my_plugin_cron_handler($hook, $period, $return, $params) {
    $start_time = elgg_extract('time', $params);

Voir aussi

Événements et Hooks des plugins has more information about hooks