Ligne de commande Elgg CLI

elgg-cli outils en ligne de commande

Selon la manière dont vous avez installé Elgg et la configuration de votre serveur vous pouvez accéder aux binaires de l’outil en ligne de commande elgg-cli de l’une des manières suivantes depuis la racine de votre installation Elgg :

php ./elgg-cli list
./elgg-cli list
php ./vendor/bin/elgg-cli list
./vendor/bin/elgg-cli list


Soyez informé que lors de l’utilisation de elgg-cli il peut être nécessaire d’exécuter la commande avec le même utilisateur que le serveur Web pour éviter les problèmes avec les droits des fichiers.

Commandes disponibles

cd /path/to/elgg/

# Get help
vendor/bin/elgg-cli --help

# List all commands
vendor/bin/elgg-cli list

# Install Elgg
# no-plugins: This is an optional argument, it'll prevent the activation of any plugins
# config: (string) Path to php file that returns an array with installation configuration, if not provided the config parameters will be questioned in the console.
vendor/bin/elgg-cli install [--no-plugins] [-c|--config CONFIG]

# Seed the database with fake entities
# limit: (int) number of items to seed (will be asked interactively for each seeder unless the -n/--no-interaction is used or only one type is seeded)
# type: (string) only seed given entity type
# create_since: (string) a compatible PHP date/time string to set the lower bound entity time created (eg, '-5 months')
# create_until: (string) a compatible PHP date/time string to set the upper bound entity time created (eg, 'yesterday')
# image_folder: (string) a folder where the seeder can find images to use as icons, etc.
# create: This is an argument, it'll force the creation of entities instead of building up to the limit
vendor/bin/elgg-cli database:seed [-l|--limit LIMIT] [-t|--type TYPE] [--create_since DATE/TIME] [--create_until DATE/TIME] [--image_folder FOLDER] [create]

# List information about the seeded database content
# this will show the available seeders to be used with the database:seed and database:unseed command and the currently seeded amounts
vendor/bin/elgg-cli database:seeders

# Remove seeded faked entities
# type: (string) only unseed given entity type
vendor/bin/elgg-cli database:unseed [-t|--type TYPE]

# Optimize database tables
# Requires garbagecollector plugin
vendor/bin/elgg-cli database:optimize

# Run cron jobs
vendor/bin/elgg-cli cron [-i|--interval INTERVAL] [-q|--quiet]

# Clear caches
vendor/bin/elgg-cli cache:clear

# Invalidate caches
vendor/bin/elgg-cli cache:invalidate

# Purge caches
vendor/bin/elgg-cli cache:purge

# System upgrade
# -v|-vv|-vvv control verbosity of the command (helpful for debugging upgrade scripts)
vendor/bin/elgg-cli upgrade [-v]

# Upgrade and execute all async upgrades
vendor/bin/elgg-cli upgrade async [-v]

# List all upgrades
vendor/bin/elgg-cli upgrade:list

# Execute a specific upgrade
# <upgrades>: a space separated list of upgrade classes to execute (see the upgrade:list command for a list)
vendor/bin/elgg-cli upgrade:batch <upgrades>

# List all, active or inactive plugins
# STATUS = all | active | inactive
vendor/bin/elgg-cli plugins:list [-s|--status STATUS]

# Activate plugins
# List plugin ids separating them with spaces: vendor/bin/elgg-cli plugins:activate activity blog
# use -f flag to resolve conflicts and dependencies
# you can set a plugin priority by using the format plugin_id:priority (eg. blog:last)
vendor/bin/elgg-cli plugins:activate [<plugins>] [-f|--force]

# Deactivate plugins
# List plugin ids separating them with spaces: vendor/bin/elgg-cli plugins:deactivate activity blog
# use -f flag to also disable dependents
vendor/bin/elgg-cli plugins:deactivate [<plugins>] [-f|--force]

Ajouter des commandes personnalisées

Les plugins peuvent ajouter leurs commandes à l’application CLI, en ajoutant le nom de la classe de commandes via une configuration dans elgg-plugin.php ou via l’événement 'commands','cli'. La classe de la commande doit étendre \Elgg\CLI\Command.

class MyCommand extends \Elgg\Сli\Command {


elgg_register_event_handler('commands', 'cli', function(\Elgg\Event $event) {
    $return = $event->getValue();

    $return[] = MyCommand::class;

    return $return;


Les commandes personnalisées sont basées sur Symfony Console Commands. Veuillez consulter leur documentation pour plus d’informations.