
Elgg has two mechanisms to respond to HTTP requests that don’t already go through the Actions and Simplecache systems.

URL Identifier and Segments

After removing the site URL, Elgg splits the URL path by / into an array. The first element, the identifier, is shifted off, and the remaining elements are called the segments. For example, if the site URL is, the URL produces:

Identifier: 'blog'. Segments: ['owner', 'jane']. (the query string parameters are available via get_input())

The site URL (home page) is a special case that produces an empty string identifier and an empty segments array.


URL identifier/segments should be considered potentially dangerous user input. Elgg uses htmlspecialchars to escapes HTML entities in them.

Page Handling

Elgg offers a facility to manage your plugin pages via custom routes, enabling URLs like http://yoursite/my_plugin/section. You can register a new route using elgg_register_route(), or via routes config in elgg-plugin.php. Routes map to resource views, where you can render page contents.

// in your 'init', 'system' handler
elgg_register_route('my_plugin:section' [
        'path' => '/my_plugin/section/{guid}/{subsection?}',
        'resource' => 'my_plugin/section',
        'requirements' => [
                'guid' => '\d+',
                'subsection' => '\w+',

// in my_plugin/views/default/resources/my_plugin/section.php
$guid = elgg_extract('guid', $vars);
$subsection = elgg_extract('subsection', $vars);

// render content

In the example above, we have registered a new route that is accessible via http://yoursite/my_plugin/section/<guid>/<subsection>. Whenever that route is accessed with a required guid segment and an optional subsection segment, the router will render the specified my_plugin/section resource view and pass the parameters extracted from the URL to your resource view with $vars.

Routes names

Route names can then be used to generate a URL:

$url = elgg_generate_url('my_plugin:section', [
        'guid' => $entity->guid,
        'subsection' => 'assets',

The route names are unique across all plugins and core, so another plugin can override the route by registering different parameters to the same route name.

Route names follow a certain convention and in certain cases will be used to automatically resolve URLs, e.g. to display an entity.

The following conventions are used in core and recommended for plugins:


Maps to the entity profile page, e.g. view:user:user or view:object:blog The path must contain a guid, or username for users


Maps to the form to edit the entity, e.g. edit:user:user or edit:object:blog The path must contain a guid, or username for users If you need to add subresources, use suffixes, e.g. edit:object:blog:images, keeping at least one subresource as a default without suffix.


Maps to the form to add a new entity of a given type, e.g. add:object:blog The path, as a rule, contains container_guid parameter


Maps to listing pages. Common route names used in core are, as follows:

  • collection:object:blog:all: list all blogs

  • collection:object:blog:owner: list blogs owned by a user with a given username

  • collection:object:blog:friends: list blogs owned by friends of the logged in user (or user with a given username)

  • collection:object:blog:group: list blogs in a group


Maps to the default page for a resource, e.g. the path /blog. Elgg happens to use the “all” collection for these routes.

  • default:object:blog: handle the generic path /blog.

<entity_subtype> can be omitted from route names to register global routes applicable to all entities of a given type. URL generator will first try to generate a URL using the subtype, and will then fallback to a route name without a subtype. For example, user profiles are routed to the same resource view regardless of user subtype.

elgg_register_route('view:object:attachments', [
        'path' => '/attachments/{guid}',
        'resource' => 'attachments',

elgg_register_route('view:object:blog:attachments', [
        'path' => '/blog/view/{guid}/attachments',
        'resource' => 'blog/attachments',

$blog = get_entity($blog_guid);
$url = elgg_generate_entity_url($blog, 'view', 'attachments'); // /blog/view/$blog_guid/attachments

$other = get_entity($other_guid);
$url = elgg_generate_entity_url($other, 'view', 'attachments'); // /attachments/$other_guid

Route configuration

Segments can be defined using wildcards, e.g. profile/{username}, which will match all URLs that contain profile/ followed by and arbitrary username.

To make a segment optional you can add a ? (question mark) to the wildcard name, e.g. profile/{username}/{section?}. In this case the URL will be matched even if the section segment is not provided.

You can further constrain segments using regex requirements:

// elgg-plugin.php
return [
        'routes' => [
                'profile' => [
                        'path' => '/profile/{username}/{section?}',
                        'resource' => 'profile',
                        'requirements' => [
                                'username' => '[\p{L}\p{Nd}._-]+', // only allow valid usernames
                                'section' => '\w+', // can only contain alphanumeric characters
                        'defaults' => [
                                'section' => 'index',

By default, Elgg will set the following requirements for named URL segments:

$patterns = [
        'guid' => '\d+', // only digits
        'group_guid' => '\d+', // only digits
        'container_guid' => '\d+', // only digits
        'owner_guid' => '\d+', // only digits
        'username' => '[\p{L}\p{Nd}._-]+', // letters, digits, underscores, dashes

Plugin dependent routes

If a route requires a specific plugin to be active this can be configured in the route configuration.

// elgg-plugin.php
return [
        'routes' => [
                'collection:object:blog:friends' => [
                        'path' => '/blog/friends/{username?}/{lower?}/{upper?}',
                        'resource' => 'blog/friends',
                        'required_plugins' => [
                                'friends', // route only allowed when friends plugin is active

Route middleware

Route middleware can be used to prevent access to a certain route, or to perform some business logic before the route is rendered. Middleware can be used, e.g. to implement a paywall, or to log analytics, or to set open graph metatags.

Elgg core implements several middleware handlers. The following middleware can be found in the namespace \Elgg\Router\Middleware:


This gatekeeper will prevent access by non-authenticated users.


This gatekeeper will prevent access by non-admin users.


This gatekeeper will prevent access by authenticated users.


This gatekeeper will prevent access with non-xhr requests.


This gatekeeper will prevent access if there is no pageowner entity.


This gatekeeper extends the PageOwnerGatekeeper but also requires the pageowner to be a ElggGroup entity.


This gatekeeper extends the PageOwnerGatekeeper but also requires the pageowner to be an ElggUser entity.


This gatekeeper will prevent access if there is no pageowner detected and the pageowner can’t be editted.


This gatekeeper extends the PageOwnerCanEditGatekeeper but also requires the pageowner to be a ElggGroup entity.


This gatekeeper extends the PageOwnerCanEditGatekeeper but also requires the pageowner to be an ElggUser entity.


This middleware will prevent access without the correct CSRF tokens. This middleware will automatically be applied to actions.


This middleware will provide action related logic. This middleware will automatically be applied to actions.


This gatekeeper will prevent access if the url has been tampered with. A secure URL can be generated using the elgg_http_get_signed_url function.


This gatekeeper will prevent access if the upgrade URL is secured and the URL is invalid.


This middleware will prevent access to a route if the site is configured for authenticated users only and there is no authenticated user logged in. This middleware is automatically enabled for all routes. You can disable the walled garden gatekeeper with a route config option.

Custom Middleware

Middleware handlers can be set to any callable that receives an instance of \Elgg\Request: The handler should throw an instance of \Elgg\Exceptions\HttpException to prevent route access. The handler can return an instance of \Elgg\Http\ResponseBuilder to prevent further implementation of the routing sequence (a redirect response can be returned to re-route the request).

class MyMiddleware {

        public function __invoke(\Elgg\Request $request) {
                $entity = $request->getEntityParam();
                if ($entity) {
                        // do stuff
                } else {
                        throw new EntityNotFoundException();

elgg_register_route('myroute', [
        'path' => '/myroute/{guid?}',
        'resource' => 'myroute',
        'middleware' => [

Route controllers

In certain cases, using resource views is not appropriate. In these cases you can use a controller - any callable that receives an instance of \Elgg\Request:

class MyController {

        public function handleFoo(\Elgg\Request $request) {
                elgg_set_http_header('Content-Type: application/json');
                $data = [
                        'entity' => $request->getEntityParam(),
                return elgg_ok_response($data);


elgg_register_route('myroute', [
        'path' => '/myroute/{guid?}',
        'controller' => [MyController::class, 'handleFoo'],

The route:rewrite event

For URL rewriting, the route:rewrite event (with similar arguments as route) is triggered very early, and allows modifying the request URL path (relative to the Elgg site).

Here we rewrite requests for news/* to blog/*:

function myplugin_rewrite_handler(\Elgg\Event $event) {
    $value = $event->getValue();

    $value['identifier'] = 'blog';

    return $value;

elgg_register_event_handler('route:rewrite', 'news', 'myplugin_rewrite_handler');


The event must be registered directly in your plugin Bootstrap boot function. The init function is too late.

Routing overview

For regular pages, Elgg’s program flow is something like this:

  1. A user requests

  2. Plugins are initialized.

  3. Elgg parses the URL to identifier news and segments ['owner', 'jane'].

  4. Elgg triggers the event route:rewrite, news (see above).

  5. Elgg finds a registered route that matches the final route path, and renders a resource view associated with it. It calls elgg_view_resource('blog/owner', $vars) where $vars contains the username.

  6. The resources/blog/owner view gets the username via $vars['username'], and uses many other views and formatting functions like elgg_view_layout() and elgg_view_page() to create the entire HTML page.

  7. PHP invokes Elgg’s shutdown sequence.

  8. The user receives a fully rendered page.

Elgg’s coding standards suggest a particular URL layout, but there is no syntax enforced.