Elgg CLI
elgg-cli command line tools
Depending on how you installed Elgg and your server configuration you can access``elgg-cli`` binaries as one of the following from the root of your Elgg installation:
php ./elgg-cli list
./elgg-cli list
php ./vendor/bin/elgg-cli list
./vendor/bin/elgg-cli list
Be advised that when using elgg-cli it might be needed to run the command as the same user as the webserver to prevent issues with rights related to files.
Available commands
cd /path/to/elgg/
# Get help
vendor/bin/elgg-cli --help
# List all commands
vendor/bin/elgg-cli list
# Install Elgg
# no-plugins: This is an optional argument, it'll prevent the activation of any plugins
# config: (string) Path to php file that returns an array with installation configuration, if not provided the config parameters will be questioned in the console.
vendor/bin/elgg-cli install [--no-plugins] [-c|--config CONFIG]
# Seed the database with fake entities
# limit: (int) number of items to seed (will be asked interactively for each seeder unless the -n/--no-interaction is used or only one type is seeded)
# type: (string) only seed given entity type
# create_since: (string) a compatible PHP date/time string to set the lower bound entity time created (eg, '-5 months')
# create_until: (string) a compatible PHP date/time string to set the upper bound entity time created (eg, 'yesterday')
# image_folder: (string) a folder where the seeder can find images to use as icons, etc.
# create: This is an argument, it'll force the creation of entities instead of building up to the limit
vendor/bin/elgg-cli database:seed [-l|--limit LIMIT] [-t|--type TYPE] [--create_since DATE/TIME] [--create_until DATE/TIME] [--image_folder FOLDER] [create]
# List information about the seeded database content
# this will show the available seeders to be used with the database:seed and database:unseed command and the currently seeded amounts
vendor/bin/elgg-cli database:seeders
# Remove seeded faked entities
# type: (string) only unseed given entity type
vendor/bin/elgg-cli database:unseed [-t|--type TYPE]
# Optimize database tables
# Requires garbagecollector plugin
vendor/bin/elgg-cli database:optimize
# Run cron jobs
vendor/bin/elgg-cli cron [-i|--interval INTERVAL] [-q|--quiet]
# Clear caches
vendor/bin/elgg-cli cache:clear
# Invalidate caches
vendor/bin/elgg-cli cache:invalidate
# Purge caches
vendor/bin/elgg-cli cache:purge
# System upgrade
# -v|-vv|-vvv control verbosity of the command (helpful for debugging upgrade scripts)
vendor/bin/elgg-cli upgrade [-v]
# Upgrade and execute all async upgrades
vendor/bin/elgg-cli upgrade async [-v]
# List all upgrades
vendor/bin/elgg-cli upgrade:list
# Execute a specific upgrade
# <upgrades>: a space separated list of upgrade classes to execute (see the upgrade:list command for a list)
vendor/bin/elgg-cli upgrade:batch <upgrades>
# List all, active or inactive plugins
# STATUS = all | active | inactive
vendor/bin/elgg-cli plugins:list [-s|--status STATUS]
# Activate plugins
# List plugin ids separating them with spaces: vendor/bin/elgg-cli plugins:activate activity blog
# use -f flag to resolve conflicts and dependencies
# you can set a plugin priority by using the format plugin_id:priority (eg. blog:last)
vendor/bin/elgg-cli plugins:activate [<plugins>] [-f|--force]
# Deactivate plugins
# List plugin ids separating them with spaces: vendor/bin/elgg-cli plugins:deactivate activity blog
# use -f flag to also disable dependents
vendor/bin/elgg-cli plugins:deactivate [<plugins>] [-f|--force]
Adding custom commands
Plugins can add their commands to the CLI application, by adding command class name via a configuration in elgg-plugin.php
or via the 'commands','cli'
Command class must extend \Elgg\CLI\Command
class MyCommand extends \Elgg\Сli\Command {
elgg_register_event_handler('commands', 'cli', function(\Elgg\Event $event) {
$return = $event->getValue();
$return[] = MyCommand::class;
return $return;
Custom commands are based on Symfony Console Commands. Please refer to their documentation for more details.