Installing Elgg on Cloud9 IDE
1. Create a c9 workspace
Go to
Login with GitHub
On the Dashboard, click “Create new workspace” => “Create a new workspace”
Choose a project name (e.g. “elgg”)
Choose “PHP” for project type
Click “Create”
Wait… (~1 min for c9 workspace to be ready)
Click “Start editing” for the workspace
2. Set up the workspace for Elgg
Run the following in cloud9’s terminal:
rm -rf * # Clear out the c9 hello-world stuff
composer create-project elgg/elgg:~1.11 . # the hotness
cp install/config/htaccess.dist .htaccess
cp elgg-config/settings.example.php elgg-config/settings.php
mysql-ctl start # start c9's local mysql server
mkdir ../elgg-data # setup data dir for Elgg
Configure settings.php
to be like so:
// Must set timezone explicitly!
$CONFIG->dbuser = getenv('C9_USER');
$CONFIG->dbpass = '';
$CONFIG->dbname = 'c9';
$CONFIG->dbhost = getenv('IP');
$CONFIG->dbprefix = 'elgg_';
3. Complete the install process from Elgg’s UI
Hit “Run” at the top of the page to start Apache.
Go to
Change Site URL to
Put in the data directory path. Should be something like
.Click “Next”
Create the admin account
Click “Go to site”
You may have to manually visit
and login with the admin credentials you just configured.